Declaration of Independence Glasses

Price: $15.95
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Some wise men once said, "We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America…solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States." That was the start of the country we now call the good old US of A. Now you can celebrate the birth of a nation with these Declaration of Independence Glasses. Heads up, history buffs! Now you can satisfy your need for information and your desire for a cold drink at the same time. Each 16-ounce pint glass comes covered in text taken straight from the actual Declaration of Independence. The date associated with that all-important document takes center stage at the top of the glass, leading into the history-making text below. Surprise a beer lover, history lover, student, professor or any proud American with this glass that commemorates a crucial piece of our past in a way that's definitively modern. Or give a set of these to dedicated patriots who would love to be reminded of their allegiance every time they sit down to a frosty IPA or tasty stout. This glass also makes a great host or hostess gift for the next time you attend a Memorial Day cookout or Fourth of July party. You'll be right on theme, and they'll be ready to pop open a cold one and salute the flag. PRODUCT INFO: 16 oz glass Proudly designed and made in the USA.