
Best Gifts for Aunt

Find over 190 best gifts for aunt in 2024

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The Essential Guide to Finding Fabulous Gifts for Aunty

Aunts and aunties get all the fun of doting on adorable nieces and nephews - without the sleepless nights. But it's high time to show her some love. What you (or your kids) should give an aunty may feel as much a mystery as how there came to be two pronunciations for aunt ("ahnt" and "ant"). As it turns out, the "ahnt" pronunciation is common in the Northeast and some Southern dialects, where there's a stronger historical link to Britain. Who knew! As for finding gifts for an aunty, we have that mystery solved, too.


Storytelling Clues

Aunties are a fun bunch known for telling awesome stories to their nieces and nephews. Think about her stories, or ask the kids about what stories she shares. You could clue into something she loves or a favorite memory from her past.


Tasty Cravings

Consider where she lives and then hunt down foodie gifts for auntie from somewhere far away — and give her a taste of something new.


Make it a Reality

Imagine what place your aunty would love an all-access pass to. (No clue? A little IMing on Facebook with the fam should help.) Maybe it’s a museum, national park, or day at the spa. Use that inspiration to find birthday gifts for aunty that tie into your budget, like a cool art print inspired by her fave museum.  


Her Tribe

Ask her about how she connects with her tribe of friends — does aunty fly to a yearly reunion, host friends at her place on Wednesdays, or is she mostly connected by Facebook? Then think on related Christmas gifts perfect for aunts that makes it easier/more stylish/more fun when she connects with the people who recharge her spirit.


Would You Rather

You (and the kids) can talk to aunty to find out what she likes to do when she’s on vacation. You can get some gifting ideas from how she likes to relax — whether it’s curled up with a good book or sightseeing with her camera.


All in the Details

When it comes to gifts for aunts from a nephew or niece, one easy idea is giving aunty handmade art as a gift. But before passing go to get that watercolor framed in glass, think about how she displays art at home first. Follow her lead, as she may not like a 16x20 framed collage by a 5-year-old in her home — but she might love it as a personalized desk calendar.


Think Practical

Maybe you’ve scouted sentimental gifts for aunty 5 years in a row. Practical gifts that anyone could use may be the surprise she’d appreciate.


Want inspiration for the other women in your life?

Gift Guides

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Your List of What to Give Your Gracefully Aging Aunt

The key to finding a great gift for your aunt is similar to the key to aging gracefully. It may all come down to being positive and seeking out simple pleasures. And we've got you covered on that front with a complete gift list of ideas that she will love. (You can even ask family to pitch in for one of the bigger splurges.) Because you're not looking for stuff to clutter her space. You're looking for gifts that will delight her.

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Gifts for Aunts

Aunts are special and you share a special bond with them! You might have several aunts - some cool, some not so cool, some annoying and maybe one of your aunts is your best friend. Whether you can them aunt or auntie or anything in between, you have to find her a gift on special occasions or just because you love her! The big question is how do you find a good gift for aunt? Well, no need to sweat it. Our editors have curated things to get your aunt for Christmas, birthday and all other occasions.

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