
Valentines Day Gifts For Daughter From Mom

Find over 23 best valentines day gifts for daughter from mom in 2024

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How to Spot the Sweetest Valentine’s Day Gifts for Daughter from Mom

She’s your mini me, your super girl, your one-of-a-kind princess, and most of all she’s your little girl. No matter how old she is, she’ll always be your special little lady and you love showing her that she’s at the center of your heart when Valentine’s Day rolls around. You might be best friends, you might not talk that often, but you’ll always be close in your hearts. Here are some things to consider when shopping for Valentine’s Day gifts from a mother to her daughter.


Upgrade her life

You know what the good stuff is and she’s getting old enough to appreciate, and take of, it. Think about something that she uses or adores in her life and get her an upgraded version. It could be a newer technology (hello nescafe) or a nicer analog version (hello pour-over), it could be a higher fashion designer, maybe she loves her faux pearls and it’s time for real ones, it could be a bucket list luxury item, it could be next level make-up, linens, etc. You know her best, so think on what she loves and fancy her up a bit.


Share your love

One thing is for sure and that is your bond. You are proud to be her mom and she knows it. Not only that but she feels it right back! You’re practically besties and aren’t afraid to show it. This girl deserves a special piece of jewelry or decor that highlights your precious connection. Or, share something you swear by...your latest nail polish or face mask obsession. Maybe even plan a spa day for the two of you to catch up and get pampered together. Quality time together is an amazing way to go, even if it’s just a scheduled video chat and you send a tea gift basket ahead for the call.  


Simply brighten her day

A no-fail path for Valentine’s Day is the classic bouquet or flowering plant; for for a modern spin and send a beautiful indoor plant or succulent that she can easily care for. Traditional gifts are traditional for a reason...they work! Flowers, edible treats (be sure you know her current eating restrictions), or heart shaped pink or red gifts are all simple and thoughtful ways to remind her that you love her. If she’s a practical type, then even something as simple as a red desk set could get her all giddy. Definitely think about her personality when going the traditional route. Occasionally, ladies get offended by these types of gifts so be sure you know her well enough to choose this as your option.


Give her girl power

She’s a feminist hear her roar! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree...or does it? Either way, you’re proud that she’s so confident in her beliefs and support her passions whatever they may be. Show her that she’s in great company by giving a girl power gift that highlights powerful women, feminist quotes or other inspiring details that make her proud to be a woman.


Want more gift ideas to dazzle your daughter?

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