
Beer Christmas Gift Ideas for Coworkers

Find over 14 best beer Christmas gift ideas for coworkers in 2024

Beer Christmas Gift Ideas for Coworkers:Big Ass Beer Soap

It’s big, it’s bold, it’s Duke Cannon Big Ass Beer Soap. No, it doesn’t smell like booty, but it will hold up a long day of hard, honest work. Forget the beer nuts and bad juke box tunes, this sudsy souvenir scrubs up your outside so you look just as phenomenal as stellar stout or hoppy IPA makes you feel – and you won’t even need beer goggles to catch a glimpse of your newfound aesthetic perfection. Duke has partnered with our BFFs at Old Milwaukee to mesh the classic American tradition of high-quality domestic lager with a soap formula that’ll get even your dirtiest crevices nice and clean. Old Milwaukee has been in business since 1849 and it’s our hope that this soap will find a similarly awesome place in our collective history.

Not too high on the idea of your special dude walking around smelling like a dive bar? Never fear, as we mentioned up top the soap isn’t actually beer scented. Instead, each bar is infused with the warm, inviting scent of sandalwood. It’s manly enough for a construction foreman or cartoon lumberjack but subtle enough to slink around under a suit and tie. Sneak a box into your man’s Christmas stocking, toss it into a dude-themed birthday gift basket, or stick it in the shower just because you can. We hear the results are practically intoxicating.


  • It turns out there are actual skin benefits that come from the beer, but that's just a nice side benefit of doing something awesome
  • Made by Duke Cannon in partnership with Old Milwaukee, purveyors of a quality domestic lager enjoyed by hard-working Americans since 1849
  • Big Ass Beer Soap that suds up well, gets you clean, and smells outstanding
  • It doesn't smell like beer - it has a woodsy, sandalwood scent that smells like a man should
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Expert Tips

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Ultimate Guide to Finding Christmas Gifts for Coworkers

You see each other more than you see your own family and friends. You solve problems together, you celebrate life's events together and you get totally, completely stressed out together. Yup, you're coworkers alright and that means that when the holidays roll around you need to show some love. Here are some tips for how to lock in on the perfect Christmas gifts for coworkers.



Yes, I said it, snoop! Look around their desk for clues as to what they might need. What looks like it could use replacing? What types of things do they keep around their desk? Get them something to brighten up their workspace.



Some might say that it's not ok to give alcohol as a gift to your coworker. I say, "Bah humbug!" If your coworker is one of your happy hour wing-men or ladies then getting them something that you know they'd enjoy during off-hours is totally fine.



A sense of humor makes even the most stressful day seem doable and coworkers that make you laugh are worth their weight in gold. Get the funny one on your team something that will keep the good vibes going well into the new year.



Maybe it was the 90s tech bubble that started it, but whatever it was it is still going strong and office spaces everywhere are incorporating more dorm room activities than ever. They come in all shapes and sizes so you're sure to find something that fits in their office space.



Just because you work together doesn't mean that your gift has to be something that stays in the office. In fact, helping that coworker who never leaves do something different could be the gift he or she needs.



When all else fails and you don't really know your coworker at all, which does happen, then go with a seasonal accessory that will get put to good use keeping them or their coffee or their lunch warm.

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